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What do you buy the politically engaged diner in your life who has everything?

The answer is now obvious: a £600 set of six dinner plates featuring key players in Scotland’s Independence Referendum debate.

The pieces are the handiwork of Edinburgh artist Leigh Chorlton, who has been displaying them in an exhibition entitled Pollster in White Space’s gallery on Howe Street.

Each politician is portrayed in loving detail, and is paired with a traditional Scottish dish. For reasons which are not explained, Johann Lamont (above) appears with Clapshot. Ruth Davidson with Cranachan.

Alistair Darling with Rumbledethumps.

Nicola Sturgeon with Arbroath Smokies.

John Swinney with Cullen Skink ...


... and Alex Salmond with Haggis, Neeps and Tatties.

There are numerous other overtly political works in the exhibition, and for those who prefer their ceramics more fragrant, an enormously elegant News International Fruit Bowl depicting three members of the Murdoch family and a flame-haired Rebekah Brooks.

Each is separated by an apple cultivar: Braeburn, Cox, Royal Gala, Pink Lady and Granny Smith. Read into that what you will. 

To see more of Chorley’s witty, thoughtful and beautifully executed pieces, go to his website at


Spurtle tweeted a link to this page with a photo of the Salmond plate attached.

Look no further for all your local #Indyref news, views, accoutrements and recipes:

 Duncan Hothersall ‏@dhothersall  21m

@theSpurtle That is majestic. Majestic.

@dhothersall Thank you. Trying to cover all angles here. Tomorrow, Broughton's shale oil deposits explained through the medium of cutlery.

@theSpurtle My breath is bated.

@theSpurtle Blimey is that some sort of dieting aid, to put you *right* off that deep fried pizza?

Obsolesence ‏@Obsolesence  13m

@theSpurtle Next stick a sour Sturgeon on the outside of pint glasses and Scotland's health issues will be solved overnight.

@theSpurtle These would look excellent on the marble walls of my vomitorium.

 Neale Gilhooley Unpalatable in every way.David Sterratt ‏@DavidSterratt  2m

@theSpurtle This must qualify for the "Funny Old World" column in @PrivateEyeNews Shame the plates aren't in genuine "Gnomeolene".