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Pride Scotia is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities' pink-letter day in the calendar, a celebration of their own and other's sexual and lifestyle diversity. This year in Broughton it's being held on Saturday 7 May.

'Pride Scotia is OUR day – for OUR community,' say the organisers, 'And it would be really nice if YOU decide to grace us with your presence by joining US to celebrate. We're here because we're Queer! If Queer isn't you, just come along anyway. Here because you care!'

This year, whilst recognising and applauding many legislative advances made by the Scottish Parliament to acknowledge LGBT people in society, Pride Scotia Chair John Hein draws attention to an outstanding anomaly:

'... marriage – which is still forbidden to us.

'Instead, we only have the unequal alternative provided by the Civil Partnership Act.

'It is within the power of Members of the new Scottish Parliament elected on 5th of May to make a simple amendment to the Marriage (Scotland) Acts to give us full equality in this respect – we urge them to do so and show the rest of the UK that neither the horses bolt nor the skies fall in.'

The most obvious event of the day will – as usual – be the march. It assembles outside the Council HQ on E. Market Street at noon, listens to speeches at 12.30pm, moves off at 1pm, proceeds up Jeffery Street, down the Royal Mile, uphill to Abbeymount, west along Royal Terrace, and finishes at the Omni Centre around 2pm. The Loud and Proud Choir, Grace Under Pressure and others will provide musical accompaniment.

There will be a Health and Community Fair, 1.30–4.30pm, in the Omni Centre, 28 Greenside Row.</p><p>The Edinburgh Creche Cooperative will offer up to 2 hours' free child care (for 6 month-olds to 10 year-olds) at the SHYA Central Hostel (Haddington Place), noon–4.30pm. Book in advance: Tel. 553 2116.

LGBT Youth Scotland offers music, information and activities for young people aged 13–25 in the Big Pink Tent, Gayfield Square, after the march.

The Order of Perpetual Indulgence will hold a Tea Dance at Mood Nightclub, 1 Greenside Place from 2.30–4.30pm. Free tea and sandwiches (donations possible).

Hollyoaks and Coronation Street star Chris Fountain will appear at the Pride Party, 23–24 Greenside Place, at some point between 2pm and 3am.

Official Pride-Scotia venues (local businesses which have helped fund the event) include:

  • Blue Moon Café, 1 Barony Street
  • Café Habana, 22 Greenside Place
  • Café Nom de Plume, 60 Broughton Street
  • CC Blooms, 23-4 Greenside Place
  • Jolly Restaurant, 9 Elm Row
  • Frenchies, 87–9 Rose Street Lane North.

Full details are available at