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The Scottish Chamber Choir will hold a festive concert in Broughton on 17 December. 

Directed by Iain McLarty, the event at Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church will feature seasonal music, readings and carols, and is being staged as a fundraiser for locally based charity Waverley  Care and The Soko Fund. 

Full details at foot of page. 

Normally, tickets cost £10, but we have two to give away to the winners of our new irritating competition.

Each Friday between now and 2 December, we’ll set two clues. Each clue refers to a different publicly visible spot somewhere in Edinburgh.

Keep your answers to yourself for now.

Good luck!

3. Kinky dizziness looking west from this busy paradise.

4. Eight-sided Lindisfarne rendezvous. Mind the bins.

[Questions 1 and 2 here.]