This is rather sweet.
A somewhat eroded stone cat sits patiently on its companion's grave ... not so much Greyfriars Bobby as Rosebank Moggie.
We noticed it the week before last whilst preparing for Saturday's Quintinshill (Gretna) Commemoration.
It may have something to do with Peter Wishart, an Associate of the Royal Society of Artists whose details appear last on the headstone below.

Wishart lived from 1846–1932, and studied art first at the Royal Institute, Edinburgh, and later in Antwerp under Charles Verlat.
He lived and worked around Edinburgh, producing seascapes and landscapes in watercolour and oil. (Can anyone tell where the work below was painted?)
A quick Google search shows that Wishart's work comes up fairly frequently at auction, but apart from that Spurtle knows next to nothing about him. All supplementary details welcomed.