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Celebrating its 21st birthday in 2012, Discovery Group members at Drummond Community High School have been invited to a special awards ceremony next month writes Birgit Harris.

The Discovery Award is the mature equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, and people over 50 can get achievement awards in areas of their own interest.

Members of the Drummond Group have organised and taken part in exciting outdoor events,  like a walking holiday on the Isle of Arran, abseiling from the Forth Road Bridge and travelling abroad, as well as assisting the visually impaired, doing cross-stitch, tapestry, woodwork and lots more.

As one member put it, 'We are the recycled youth', and be assured there is lots of energy, motivation, curiosity and passion among them.

The members' achievements will now receive public recognition when they attend an Edinburgh Adult Learners’ Achievement Awards Presentation at the City Chambers on 18 May.

If you're interested in finding  out more and perhaps joining in, come to the Adult Learners’ event at Drummond CHS on 15 May from 10am–noon, or phone Mary Hutchison (Tel. 552 4019) or Grace Melrose (Tel. 661 8544).
