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Police in Edinburgh issued the following press release yesterday. We reproduce it below unedited and in full.


Serious road crash – Great King Street, Edinburgh

Officers from Edinburgh Road Policing Unit are continuing their enquiries and appealing for information after a road crash on Friday, 18 September, 2020.

Around 9.45pm on Friday evening, a 26-year-old man was riding his electric scooter to cross the road on Great King Street at its junction with Dundas Street in Edinburgh, when he was struck by a vehicle that failed to stop.

The man returned home then later made his way to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where he was treated for his injuries and later released. Police were then made aware.

Inspector Roger Park said: “Since this crash was reported to us, we have been carrying out enquiries to establish more details on this incident, and we are working to identify the vehicle involved and trace its occupants.

“I would appeal to anyone who witnessed this incident, or who was driving on this road around the time of the crash on Friday evening who has dash-cam footage to get in touch, as they may have information that will help our investigation.”

Anyone with details should contact Edinburgh Road Policing Unit on 101 quoting reference number 4418 of 18 September.
