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The Edinburgh viewing for Sotheby's latest Scottish Sale of fine art began this morning in the Mansfield Traquair Centre, Mansfield Place.

Desirable paintings on display – mostly 19th and 20th-century – include Still Life of Pink Roses in a Glass Vase by Samuel J. Peploe (estimated to reach £250,000–350,000), and Poppies by Anne Redpath (£80,000–120,000). To this reporter's eye, the highlights were Sir William Russell Flint's Goddesses of Gracious Shade and John Cunningham's Drymen Landscape (estimated to fetch £8,000–12,000 and £4,000–£6,000, respectively).

The viewing, to which admission is free for anyone not waving a wet brolly, runs: from 9:00am–5:00pm, Tues/Wed, 14/15 Sep; and from 9:00am–4:00pm on Thurs 16 Sep. After that it decamps to London's New Bond Street prior to the auction on 29 Sep.