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Submitted by Editor on

A retrospective application for change of use of a one-bedroom 4th-floor flat in Antigua Street to commercial short-term holiday  lets has been refused (Ref. 18/01394/FUL). 

The property, accessed by a communal stair shared with 7 other properties, was proposed to be let out for over 6 months a year and directly managed by the owners. 

However,  based partly on a recent Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals determination of a case in Eyre Place, Council officials reasoned that the proposal was:

… contrary to Local Development Plan Policy Hou 7 in respect of Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas and the non-statutory guidance for Businesses as the change to short stay commercial visitor accommodation would result in an adverse impact on the residential amenity of the residents.

This decision does not resolve all problems faced by tenement dwellers living near short-term lets, but it certainly reads to us like a step in the right direction.
