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Submitted by Editor on

Issue 212, published today, carries for the third month in a row a front-page story about disruption on and around the Shrub Place gap-site.

By coincidence, an interim report by a Planning Enforcement officer was circulated to local councillors yesterday afternoon and reached Spurtle shortly afterwards.

Enforcement investigation 12/00679/ECOU was assigned to an official on 25 October 2012 who researched the planning history of the site the next day and visited it on 29 October.

The Council's Bridges Section have confirmed that the bridge at the end of Dryden Terrace is sound and regularly inspected. At this stage, there is no evidence to back locals' assertions of traffic using the bridge in excess of the 40-tonne weight limit. However, neither is there any evidence in the report of Bridges having sought details from the haulier or operating company about dates and descriptions of load etc. Only if such facts suggested unsafe practices could  a notice could be served under the Roads (Scotland) Act to prevent any further such crossing.

Regarding the gap-site's change of use (from car parking to a 'materials recycling centre'), Council officials 'have taken a view [and are] seeking confirmation of this from Legal Services'. Until such a view is received, formal enforcement action will have to wait.

Further developments may unfold later today. If they do, this page will carry updated details below.


Update (2.11.12)

Spurtle was this morning sent the wording of a letter written by Transport Convenor Lesley Hinds to local residents and others.

It does not greatly advance anyone's understanding of the problem, other than providing the name of the building contractor. However, it may comfort some that at least the woman at the top is aware of the problem and, like the rest of us, waiting for the Council's due process to unfold.

We reproduce the wording in full and unedited below:


There have been several complaints about a contractor’s use of the work site adjacent to Shrub Place and the bridge at Dryden Terrace.  Concerns have been raised about the suitability of the bridge for heavy vehicles, damage to the road surface and about possible inappropriate use of the work site.

I’d like to update residents about the actions taken by the Council.

The site in question is in the hands of a private developer. Crummock, a building contractor, has entered into an agreement with the developer to use the site. 

The council has reminded Crummock that they need to have appropriate planning permissions in place for whatever they do on the site. This issue has been referred to the council's planning section to ensure there are no infringements taking place and so they can consider what action may be needed to enforce planning regulations.

Network Rail have confirmed to us that the bridge is capable of carrying heavy lorries. The most recent inspection, in March of this year, confirmed there were no structural concerns with the bridge itself. The road surface on the bridge has been inspected by a council roads inspector and repairs were carried out on Friday 5 October. It's worth saying that our inspection reports show that damage to the road surface was present before the contractors started using the site. However, we'll wait until the contractor stops using the bridge for access until we carry out further permanent repairs.  

I'm aware that the community council and local ward councillors are pursuing this issue with regards to planning issues.  

Councillor Lesley Hinds
Transport Convener
City of Edinburgh Council