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Various more or less spine-chilling apparitions have been cropping up around Broughton since 1 October.

So far, we have resisted reporting them for fear of encouraging the appearance of Christmas lights before Bonfire Night.

But now that we’re well into the second half of the month, this seems like a reasonable point at which to introduce our favourites so far.

We begin (top-right) with Granny Thomson’s seasonal spiders on Bellevue Place. The hanging bones in the foliage are particularly effective in poor light.

We dont think the Botanics were trying to be spooky last weekend, but as the sun began to set, somehow they succeeded.

Emma Roy of Edinburgh brings a classy bride-of-Dracula vibe to its window display on Leith Street.

While Forth Flooring on Brandon Terrace introduces some psychological complexity with a New Town Rover channelling the spirit of a New Town Range Rover …

before settling on the time-honoured John-Pertwee-in-drag-with-a-wart-on-his-nose approach.

Over the road in Napier Bathrooms, what can we say? Alfie, the company dachshund, has changed out of all recognition lately …

and boss Johnny Bacigalupo has not been himself since the shaving incident in the sink.

If you have Halloween-themed sightings from anywhere around Broughton or beyond this month, please share them with us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook


@theSpurtle I expect Fido enjoys finger food, too.

@napierinteriors @theSpurtle And the skeleton at Canonmills has moved. Creepy.

More spookiness in Spurtleshire. This time, the Broughton Street tea vampire:

Pre-refurbishment: City Observatory on Calton Hill – new venue for fine dining.

Although New Town jack-o'-lanterns are traditionally carved from old Range Rovers, any four-wheel-drive vehicle can be used.
