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Take a look at this photo of Broughton Street.

Which incongruous, inappropriate, and adverse item would you like the City of Edinburgh Council to clamp down on first?

The TV cables? The entryphone system? The burglar alarm? The security camera? The blue suede shoes with red laces?

Well hard luck. None of them is going soon. Instead, the – to our eyes – rather characterful and authentically heeliegoleerie sign pointing to The Street’s basement night club has been singled out for removal on the grounds that:

  1. The proposal is contrary to Edinburgh City Local Plan Policy Env 4 in respect of Listed Buildings – Alterations and Extensions, as the signage is an incongruous addition having an adverse impact on the special character of the listed building
  2. The proposals are contrary to development plan policy as interpreted using the non-statutory Guidance for Businesses as the signage is inappropriate in detail and location to the detriment of visual amenity and the conservation area.
  3. The proposals are contrary to non-statutory guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas as the signage is inappropriately located and detailed to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area.
  4. The proposal is contrary to Edinburgh City Local Plan Policy Env 6 in respect of Conservation Areas - Development, as the signage is an inappropriate addition to the building to the detriment of visual amenity and therefore the character and appearance of the conservation area. [Ref. 13/04183/ADV/LBC

Surely, The Street can have no argument for – as Antigua Street’s Pomegranate Restaurant discovered recently (Breaking news, 14.10.13) – Edinburgh’s Conservation Areas require constant and consistent protection from change.

Thankfully, after its removal, the Street’s vexatious signage – which, admittedly, looks a little rough and ready sideways on – will no longer detract from the beautiful period wiring and Georgian black bin-bag arrangements which grace the immediate vicinity (Breaking news, 28.10.13). 

What do you think of the monstrous Broughton Street carbuncle? Tell us by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle