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Submitted by Editor on

The new Spurtle is now approaching completion, and will be distributed through Broughton's shops, pubs, libraries and liminal odd-spots from 1 June.

Issue 183 can also be downloaded from our Homepage late on Monday night, when additional new material will also appear online.

Among other items, we'll carry perturbing concerns about City Planning's accountability, and possible flaws in Edinburgh's pre-election procedures. Also exciting news about recent culinary triumphs and sporting success.

We have any amount of cats (real, 2–D and 3–D), an excursion into the dizzying worlds of crime statistics and French film. And news of an important new public artwork launching in June with Broughton at its heart.

Add to all that two features on  local inventors, and an intoxicating mix of Briefly titbits on everything from Christmas trees, landlords, over-extinguished fire and intrusive poles, to concert etiquette, career advice and extraordinarily inappropriate planning aspirations.

Basically, if this were a summer fruit punch, you'd be going home in an ambulance.

But it's not. It's Spurtle Issue 183 and it's positively not bad for you. Enjoy!