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Heavy rain is forecast for the next few days, which is of course a sure sign that the Spurtle is due for distribution.

On Monday 1 November, Issue 188 will be delivered by canoe, kayak and galoshes to the usual miscellany of pubs, clubs, shops and galleries across Broughton, and poured into the home addresses of loyal subscribers everywhere. It will also appear online, with a flood of extras, from 8:15am onwards.

In November's issue you will find hyper-local news of contested spaces, prize-winning opinions, and constructive criticism liable to go down like a lead balloon. We have the latest on bins, porridge in high places, graffiti in low ones, paintings, sunflowers, planning stramashes and local churches gone missing. Also a new very late baby born in public, an elusive flamingo and – surely the last for this year? – a late-presented Christmas tree discovered amid the reek of sulphur. Conspiracy theorists will seethe.

Get your Spurtle – Broughton's free, independent stirrer and Edinburgh's only publication to rhyme with turtle.