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Feeling limp, like a piece of tired lettuce found at the back of the fridge? Get instantly crisper and greener with the help of Mr Motivator!

The former breakfast television legend and fitness instructor will visit Broughton this weekend in a bid to raise awareness of and commitment to making a difference.

At 2pm on Saturday 12 February, the beautifully toned and unfailingly positive, former spandex-enthusiast will lead adoring fans in an exercise class outside the St James Centre. This will be followed by a meet-and-greet inside at the Eco Zone (next to Barrhead Travel).

Mr Motivator (otherwise known as Derrick Errol Evans) has just the right attitude for Eco Zone's priorities: presenting an inspiring picture of a sustainable future and showing how positive changes can be made right now.

Organiser Sharon Wilkinson hopes as many locals will attend as possible, and urges everyone to wear green lycra. Normally, we at Spurtle prefer to change out of our green lycra at weekends, but on this occasion will make an exception.

Anyone requiring motivation straight away may like to examine Mr Motivator's site at: