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Submitted by Editor on

Well, that was all very pleasant.

A whole weekend with Broughton temperatures reaching the mid-70s (24º C), sunny skies full of plump and contented clouds, acres of exposed pink anatomy, and thousands of BBQs billowing burnt sausage and salmonella smells over the washing.

St Andrew Square: transformed by 'Spa in the City' into a Bedouin encampment. A potential green oasis. An actual temporary extension of self-deluding shopping opportunities widely available elsewhere. The inevitable result, perhaps, of entrusting this elegant public space to  an organisation like Essential Edinburgh, principally interested in 'business improvement'.

Great-unwashed-averse Charlotte Square proprietors – recently wooed by the City about sharing open space – are unlikely to view such events, and their potential transfer to the West End, with favour.

Today, with the return of northerly winds, it's not so hot. Positively Baltic. Bronzed beauticians gone like so many boils from a WAG's bottom.

Remember the good times (below) with Spurtle's brief photographic treat – snapped yesterday by the Water of Leith near Redbraes.

