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Lucy Tanat-Jones, leader of the Broughton Street Traders Association, has now commented officially on the granting of an alcohol offsales licence to Tesco at Picardy Place (see Breaking news 22.12.10).

To some locals' surprise, she suggests an apparent Tesco magnet may actually strengthen local retail loyalties, or attract footfall to Broughton Street rather than monopolise it. This evening she described to Spurtle:

'... [a] slightly apprehensive reaction to the general idea of yet another Tesco in our locality, as we work so hard to keep our environment unique and independently led. That said, our customers who value us for these reasons are even more likely to stay loyal, and Tesco is no rival in this sense.

'The Tesco licensing issue (being passed) is met with surprise by our traders, as we were informed that there was no possibility of any more being granted for this area. It would appear that there has been a swift, last-minute change of Council decision, without informing any of us.

'We expect more footfall to the area however, which is positive news.'