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If Spurtle's distribution were an Olympic event, it would be the 3,000m steeplechase: frequent, apparently insuperable challenges interspersed by bouts of exhaustion and occasional soakings.

Rain-sodden team members will deliver Issue 209 (August 2012) across Broughton early next week, in the process dispensing news of bounce-backs and traffic congestion, sceptical locals and gawping offficials, vacuums (and how to get rid of them), van fire, art projects, birdies galore, nest-eggs denied, kegeration, knitting, absent appendages, hat dilemmas, TV stardom and Her Majesty the Queen.

Steaming copies may be found in all the usual outlets, including galleries, clubs, newsagents, eateries and drinkeries, hair salons, tailors, bicycle vendors, low dives, church halls, booksellers, libraries, hair salons and matelot repair shops.

It will also be available to download from our website Homepage ( – just click on the front-page image in the top-right-hand corner.

Keen readers may notice a slight tail-off in Spurtle's online and social-media presence over the next few days. Normal service – only bronzed and rejuvenated – will resume in the second week of August.