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I have spent quite a lot of time recently skulking behind bins in the Bellevue and Claremont area, writes Fred Street of the New Town Clean Streets Campaign. 

The idea has been to keep tabs on the not-altogether-straightforward Recycling Trial taking place in the neighbourhood. 

Some interesting patterns are emerging. 

By NTCSC's calculations, the average willingness of a Claremont resident to walk to find an appropriate bin for their recycling is no more than 2 metres. 

How is this figure arrived at? 

Alert locals will have noticed that their new recycling bins have been labelled with a number, 1 to 7, by NTCSC. 

NTCSC has estimated the proportion of black bin bags, glass bottles, food scraps, items of furniture, polystyrene and other contaminants in each bin, from photographic evidence.

Bins 4 (south end of Bellevue Road) and 7 (north end of E Claremont Street) are significantly less contaminated than the others, and NTCSC considers it no coincidence that these two bins are located directly adjacent to an identically sized landfill rubbish container.

That proximity means that residents only have to walk a maximum of 2 metres more to reach the correct landfill or recycling container.

Quod erat demonstranbin.

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