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Neighbours are practically farting sparks at the latest developments on East Scotland Street Lane.

Mr Dermot Ferrigan has appealed against refusal of planning permission to convert his property on land 32m southwest of 8 Bellevue Crescent (on East Scotland Street Lane) to use as an office (Ref. 14/01419/FUL; Breaking news, 2.5.14).

Derek Scott Planning (DSP) – agent to the irrepressible Ferrigan – argues that the decision ‘is entirely inconsistent’ with the Council's decision to permit converting his other  garage to office accommodation in the same lane in February 2013 (Ref. 12/03242/FUL). 

‘We are very firmly of the opinion,’ says DSP, ‘that the proposed office conversion is an entirely appropriate use on this lane; it enjoys good access to a choice of means of transport; it will not have an adverse impact on amenity levels;  and it will not have an adverse impact on the levels of residential amenity presently enjoyed in the area’.

In correspondence shown to the Spurtle by locals, Council officials explain that Mr Ferrigan has every right to seek a review, and that the Council has a statutory obligation to facilitate this process.

However, residents nearby are incensed that  demolition of the same structure behind 8 Bellevue Crescent (which seemed on the cards after dismissal of an earlier appeal to the Scottish Government to convert the property retrospectively to residential use; Issue 226) was not carried out by the scheduled date of 12 May 2014.

They also point out to local politicians and anyone else who will listen the recent unauthorised earthworks on the lane (Issue 231) and alleged occupation there since of the new  ‘passing space’ by a commercial vehicle connected to Mr Ferrigan.

Why, they ask, is the Council Enforcement Team's decision to demolish – after the finding of the Scottish Government's Directorate for Environmental and Planning Appeals – not being timeously applied?

The whole matter will now be considered by the Local Review Body on 20 August 2014.

Stand by for more fireworks.