Canonmills Haugh or Loch may have been drained in 1847, but old habits die hard.
The hollow in which King George V Park and The Yard now nestle was formed in the last Ice Age, and, whether caused by natural or human influences, has been apt to fill up with water ever since.
Today, after what seems like weeks of continuous rain, the path connecting the Rodney Street Tunnel to Logan Street has flooded yet again.

The source of the problem is first climatic and second a large pond which forms at the foot of Scotland Street. This then runs down the curving path towards the circular seat with a tree in the middle, turns right and overwhelms the drains under the path.

A Spurtle contributor threw caution to the winds this morning while running late for a medical appointment. He can attest that the bank by the gate is a lot more slippery than it looks, and the water both deeper and colder.
You have been warned.
Meanwhile, although there is no good news on the horizon concerning Broughton weather, we may expect an improvement in flooding of the park. Some of the £120k scheduled to be spent here in 2024/25 will go towards improving drainage. See ISSUE 338, page 3.