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These snowy and kinetic scenes have been brightening Rodney Street since the weekend.

The German fair comprises a circular railway line and fields full of snowmen, a band with couples jiving in loops about them, infants muffled against the cold and dancing ring-a-roses, plus a busy hostelry and micro-micro-brewery turning out barrels of beer on a production line also populated by pint-swilling gnomes with beards.

It’s exactly how Christmas used to be in the old days, before they banned magic mushrooms.

All this and a great deal besides appear in the window of The Beerhive at No. 24, where staff assembled the display using parts variously donated by suppliers or acquired separately from the Internet.

They are, says boss Peter Sherry (Issue 209), a selfless effort to please locals, spread Christmas good cheer, and distract visiting children long enough so that their parents can buy much more in the shop than they originally meant to.

However, anyone can see it all for free from the pavement.

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