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Beltane Fire Festival

Night-time celebration of Summer's return: drumming, fire, Green Man, May Queen, semi-naked pagan revival. Bad place to drop a contact lens. Good opportunity to meet the friendly and welcoming people of Calton Hill. Tickets: £8 on 30 April, £6 in advance from The Hub, Ripping Records, Forest Cafe. Booking fee 50p. Waterloo Place gates open at 7.30pm.

Date and time
Calton Hill (entry by Waterloo Place)

Spring Fair

Gifts, jewellery, home baking, tea, coffee and huge quantities of soup.

Date and time
Broughton St Mary's Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent

Travels through Iran

Dr Hasan Beg will talk on 'Travels through Iran: Travel-log of a Scottish Traveller'. The event is free and refreshments wil be available afterwards.

Date and time
McDonald Rd Library, McDonald Rd