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Lecture recital

John Kitchen (City Organist) on the organ music of Mendelssohn, for the Edinburgh Society of Organists. All welcome.

Date and time
Broughton St Mary's Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent

Pilrig Fiddlers

Starting today, a new Absolute Beginners Class will meet on Friday afternoons during term time. There are also a limited number of places in other classes, from Improving Beginners to Advanced. Adults are welcome too. For further details see Issue 178. Interested locals should email or Tel. 554 7698.

Date and time
Pilrig Church Hall

Baggy Bloomers and Beauty Queens

Annie Scanlon will talk about her eye-boggling collection of historic swimsuits, swim caps and beach accessories. Tickets £4.00  from the school office or Tel. 556 2651. Fairtrade refreshments and home baking for sale afterwards. (Money raised will help fund senior Drummond pupils' trip to Kenyan partner schools.)

Date and time
Community Room, Drummond Community High School