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Submitted by Editor on

Last night, the London Street Grocery closed its doors for the last time.

The shop – a staple of life in the barony for the last 53 years – is now shuttered and empty.

Business has dried up in the months since Covid struck, with many people staying at home and ordering deliveries to their doors. The prolonged suspension of Broughton’s restaurant trade (which the firm supplied with excellent fruit and veg) and the absence of Drummond pupils cannot have helped either.

We’ll miss it. LSG was for many years a familiar and reliable presence, a source of toiletries, phone cards, cosmetics and cleaning materials, flowers, newspapers, magazines, tobacco and cigarettes. and much better quality herbs, fruit and veg than anything you’ll usually find in a supermarket.

It was also a convenient outlet for distributing the Spurtle. Additional copies will now be delivered to nearby businesses on Broughton Street, East Claremont Street, and the pavement library on Scotland Street.

Let’s hope that better times are just around the corner. For now, we say thanks to all concerned with the London Street Grocery over the years, and wish them every success in their future ventures.







