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Police Scotland issued the following press release this morning. We reproduce it unedited and in full.

Officers in Edinburgh are appealing for information after a food charity’s delivery van was stolen in the Leith area of the city.

The white Ford Transit van, one of two main delivery vehicles belonging to social enterprise Edinburgh Community Food, was taken sometime between 1.30pm on Monday, 9 August, and 6am on Tuesday, 10 August, when it was parked on Tennant Street.

The van, registration number SH12 XVO, is distinctive with a large strawberry logo on the sides and rear with the words – edinburgh community food – clearly written on it. (van pictured is not the stolen vehicle but shows the logo) 

Sergeant Elaine McArthur Kerr, of Leith police station, said: “Edinburgh Community Food relies on its vans to deliver to people and businesses in the city and this theft is a shameful act given that it obviously belongs to a charity.

“Edinburgh Community Food delivers fresh fruit and vegetables to people on low incomes and sells it to staff, patients and visitors in city hospitals. This theft has left them seriously inconvenienced and having to hire a replacement. 

“Our enquiries are ongoing to trace the van and we are appealing to anyone who may have seen it since it went missing to get in touch. If you can assist please contact us on 101, quoting incident 0689 of Tuesday, 8 August, 2021, or make a call anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Note to editors - a picture of one of the vans is attached - this is not the ACTUAL van stolen but provided to show what the logo looks like.

UPDATE 12.8.21




ECF van

