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What’s going on at No 62 Raeburn Place?

Only a few weeks after opening in the lavishly refurbished former premises of Corson’s the ironmongers, the Stockroom deli (‘for foodies by foodies’) suddenly and mysteriously shut up shop.  

No explanatory notice has been posted in the window, and some two months’ unopened mail piles up inside the front door.

interior view

A message on the glitzy website reads: ‘We are temporarily CLOSED due to unforeseen circumstances, but keep an eye on here and our socials for updates on when we will be back … won’t be long!’ 

While bemused customers and neighbouring Stockbridge retailers can only conjecture what these circumstances might be, it’s hard to avoid making unfavourable comparisons with Stockroom’s stubbornly old-fashioned and determinedly unhelpful predecessor.  

Corson Hardware

Corson Hardware may never have had what you wanted to buy – indeed, it seemed to make a point of never having it – but at least it was open for business. Stockroom, by contrast, appears to have plenty of attractive and enticing products for sale. You just can’t get in to buy them.

What lies behind it all? Problems with the drains? An unresolved planning issue? Or could it just be … the Curse of Corson?—David Young

Spurtle has approached Stockroom for comment.

exterior view
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ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\linkchecker\LinkExtractorBatch::__construct(), 3 passed in /var/web/drupal/10/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 261 and exactly 4 expected in Drupal\linkchecker\LinkExtractorBatch->__construct() (line 56 of modules/contrib/linkchecker/src/LinkExtractorBatch.php).
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