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Readers will remember the tragic case of Mhari O’Neill, the 15-year-old Edinburgh woman whose body was discovered on Calton Hill on 8 December 2018.

Today at the High Court in Edinburgh, 20-year-old Ewan Fulton pled guilty to her culpable homicide.

A Police Scotland press release this afternoon gave details. We reprint them unedited below.

Mhari had met Fulton on a social media site and they met up in Edinburgh city centre on Friday, 7 December, 2018.

They then went to Calton Hill, where, after drinking, Fulton left Mhari injured, intoxicated and in a vulnerable state. She was discovered by a passer-by the next morning.

Detective Inspector Susan Balfour from the Major Investigation Team said: “This has been a distressing time for Mhari’s family and our thoughts remain with them and her friends. We welcome the conviction of Ewan Fulton and hope it brings some comfort to Mhari’s loved ones.”

Ewan Fulton is due to be sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh next month. 
