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The Hungry for Justice conference we participated in earlier this month at Aberdeen University was really interesting for the S5 and S6 students who attended, writes Drummond CHS’s Ailish McGuinness.

For example, we learnt that every hour 300 children die of hunger, one in three child deaths are caused by malnutrition, and half of children under the age of 5 in developing countries are undernourished.

During the day we all got split into three or four groups and had a chance to talk to some people from a variety of organisations involved in trying to help countries overseas develop. The Vine Trust, Christian Aid, Blythswood Care and Tear Fund go over to Africa, South America and Europe to build houses and schools, and to teach primary-school children. We also heard from dieticians and nutritionists at Aberdeen about the effects of malnutrition.

Over all, I thought this Global Student Forum conference was really good, and I learnt a lot from it. It made me think about all the amazing things I have that some children don’t, and how by helping one of these organisations it will help improve a child’s life in another part of the world.