We now know the names of all candidates standing in the Edinburgh North & Leith constituency for the General Election on 4 July.
They are, in alphabetical order by surname:
Scottish Liberal Democrats – ANDERSEN, Mike
Scottish National Party (SNP) – BROCK, Deidre
Scottish Family Party – Defending Traditional Values – DEEPNARAIN, Niel
Scottish Labour Party – GILBERT, Tracy
Socialist Labour Party – JACOBSEN, David Don
Reform UK – MELVILLE, Alan Gordon
Scottish Conservative and Unionist – MOWAT, Joanna
Scottish Greens – O’NEILL, Kayleigh Ferguson
Communist Party of Britain – SHILLCOCK, Richard Charles
Independent – WATERLOO, Caroline
Those styled in bold have already indicated their intention to attend the Spurtle hustings on 24 June.* Those styled in italics have been contacted through their party websites and have yet to respond.
We have no contact details for Caroline Waterloo. If any reader can supply them, we'd be very grateful. Alternatively, we'd be delighted to hear from her at spurtle@hotmail.co.uk.
*The Spurtle hustings will take place on 24 June, 7.30pm–9.30pm, at Broughton St Mary's Parish Church (Bellevue Crescent). Entry is free but we'd appreciate cash donations afterwards to help us cover the cost of the event. It would help us to gauge voters' priorities, and set a citizens' agenda, if you either email us questions in advance or outline those policy areas which matter most to you.