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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the November Spurtle have already ensconced themselves in local businesses and libraries like nesting hedgehogs returning home drunk from the pub. Minus the smell of cigars.

Issue 322 begins with the confusing world of pop-up planning, continues with news of bad news for Christmas, a peak through the keyhole of time, a flawed audit and a blatant attempt to part readers from their money.

Page 2 contains a Bellevue success story involving bins, Nuveen’s latest plans for beautifying and improving the city, and the upsides of travelling slower. Drunks feature, as do buses going bump in the night and an ingenious new application for parking.

Young people: what do they really think? A new book reveals all. Trams: it’s never too later for everything to go wrong. Locks: our Security Correspondent suggests ways to pick them.

Plus porridge, horror Jenga, views on a view, electrification, and planning disputes.

The paper ends like patience on Picardy Place proposals, and takes a swipe at the mainstream press’s affection for misleading postcodes.

In short, Issue 323 is 4 pages of news so condensed that it’s best read in the bath underwater.

You can find it in shops, eateries, libraries, businesses and parkside dispensers from Howe Street to Pilrig Street, Canonmills to York Place. Also, the Edinburgh Room in the Central Library.

Alternatively, download a free colour pdf HERE from midnight tonight.

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