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Submitted by Editor on

Edinburgh-based Broughton No 1 Ltd has applied to extend and alter the office building at 1 Broughton Market and convert it into a 9-bedroom aparthotel (23/06502/FUL) price-equivalent to 4 or 5-star hotel accommodation elsewhere in the city.

These plans supersede earlier ones for a rooftop extension and short-term-let use which attracted 13 objections from neighbours and were withdrawn on 3 November (23/01473/FULST) .

Broughton Market

Architects 3DReid now propose an unashamedly modern brick ‘extrusion’ and screened heat pumps on vacant land at the east end, providing a distinct statement which would nonetheless complement the existing quirky and much altered building.

Appendix A of the Design & Access Statement outlines ‘strict house rules’ by which guests would be contracted to abide. These include ‘No parties, smoking, loud music’, ‘Quiet hours between 9pm and 8am’, and ‘Agreement that if there any complaints, guests are to vacate the property when asked.’

PO Directory

An interesting site history from 1889 and current visualisations appear here [].

If you wish to comment online, do so HERE by 24 Nov. A determination is expected by 22 Dec.

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