Yesterday, councillors on the Planning Committee voted to take forward draft non-statutory guidance on purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) for public consultation.
Yesterday, councillors on the Planning Committee voted to take forward draft non-statutory guidance on purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) for public consultation.
Council proposals for new housing on the former Powderhall waste-transfer site at 165 Broughton Rd have temporarily stalled.
Following a second round of public consultations in late November, we await with interest a new planning application from Ediston and Orion Capital Managers to develop the site bounded by Dundas Street, Eyre Place, King George V Park and Fettes Row/Royal Crescent.
We expect to see latest proposals for the New Town Quarter later this month.
Local resident, playwright, poet and Edinburgh's first makar Stewart Conn has lived alongside the disruptive demolition here since work began in 2022.
ECF Omni SARL seeks planning consent for a new entrance portal for the OMNi Centre, internally lit signage, external lighting and partial levelling of some stepped access.
It may be a cock-up. It may be a conspiracy. Or it may just be the perfectly normal processes of local government seen through a glass darkly.
Anyone who has experienced the noise, anxiety and expense of fixing a roof will feel a pang of sympathy for the Property Committee at St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral.
Work on 1–3 Canon Street appears to be progressing well, with the new roof taking shape in damp conditions yesterday.
Following in-person and online discussions with the public which began in September 2022, engineering and design consultants Stantec have updated plans to reconfigure the Powderhall Junction.