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Here is a brief postscript to this year’s (37th) great Christian Aid booksale (Issue 183).

The recently published, superbly produced and detailed booksale Report reveals that the sale of books raised a remarkable £79,392.

Acquisition of special collections has enriched the collections of numerous individuals, and certain important holdings of: the University of Indiana; the Foger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC; and the National Library of Scotland.

Thanks to additional sales of pictures, antiques, and collectables, inter alia, volunteers based at St Andrew's and St George's church presented £95,000 to Christian Aid.

At the presentation of the cheque, Dr Harry Reid, distinguished former editor of the Herald newspaper, said: ‘This wee bit of paper represents a huge amount of sheer hard work ... and for suffering human beings across our beautiful but scarred planet, it represents a lot of help and a lot of hope’.