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Submitted by Editor on

Edinburgh Street Food proposes to move its freestanding illuminated sign outside the OMNi Centre (23/06731/ADV).

If consented by Planners, in its new position (shown below) the sign would replace a planter and cease to obtrude onto tactile paving.

This change would address earlier concerns from the Council and Scottish Government Reporter about pedestrian safety around the sign and public right of passage.

It would also alter but not wholly solve the blocking of views to Leith Street and Calton Hill.

Outstanding issues

It would do nothing, so far as we can see, to address other key concerns about the sign’s design, colour and lighting scheme (p. 3) constituting ‘an unacceptable intrusion into the streetscape’ creating ‘visual clutter, to the detriment of amenity in the New Town World Heritage site’.

These issues informed the Council’s original refusal of planning permission back in April and the Reporter’s dismissal of a subsequent appeal.

At the time of ESF’s first, belated application, the Architectural History Society of Scotland also noted that the Council’s Guidance for Business calls for signage not to be constructed from Perspex and for neon lights to use white bulbs, not candyfloss pink as here.

Why the Council objects to ESF’s sign but is quite blithe about the OMNi’s enormous digital advertising above Picardy Place passeth all understanding. A determination is expected by 9 January.

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