As you read this, advance copies of the June Spurtle are already finding their way into shops, bars, homes, and recycling bins across Broughton and beyond.
Page 1 begins with a doggie, a Dougray, and diversions. It continues with a missing candidate, cluster rumbles, and a fight for the right to enjoy a tight squeeze.
On Page 2 we dive straight into urinals, explore the mysteries of printed hyperlinks, and catch up with all the latest news on exciting planning cases across the barony. We consider the forthcoming St James Quarter land of spending-opportunities, and how much amenity one can reasonably cram into a 10-minute radius on foot from home.
A howling Caruso graces Page 3, as does a 2-D rhinocersos, an historical look at the perils of bill-sticking, and a helpful hint on how to cut heating bills. We have chatter, trembling, twinkling, and controversy before celebrating Scottish flora with some more or less rude and disgusting vernacular names.
If you thought that was exciting, just wait until Page 4 where friends in parks, painting, bad vibrations, and Traffic Regulation Orders bring the whole kit and caboodle to a shuddering climax. You may need to lie down afterwards.
Issue 307 will be available in shops, bars, libraries, and eateries between Pilrig and Easter Stockbridge, the deeps of Canonmills and Queen Street’s broad sunny diesel particulates. Alternatively, download your full-colour e-Spurtle from our website after midnight tonight.
And remember … if you have news, views, ideas, images, gossip or legs to share, we’re always eager to hear from you. Contact us in perfect confidence at spurtle@hotmail.co.uk.