As you read this, advance copies of the October Spurtle are already appearing across the barony.
Issue 333 begins with latest developments in 2 local planning sagas, one artfully tweaked, the other as flat-footed as before. We shed light. We also include news of rumbling giants in the New Town, which some locals love and others hate. Pillars of the community with local connections and an outing in Leith occupy the architectural/artistic slot on Page 1’s coveted top-right.
On Page 2 we provide a giraffe’s eye view of smoking, give the low-down on multi-storey dormitories, gas on about eyesores, and celebrate two local award-winners. We continue with more hideous street clutter, inequalities affecting access, and annoying visitors with a taste for other people’s property.
Calamitous cauliflower news, a major change in ownership and too few of the people who can sort out Leith Walk feature prominently on Page 3, as do an armadillo, disputed facts, historical metrics, market forces, trouble on the hill, and the continuance of the Broughton Screech. This time we’ve nailed it.
Page 4 considers conveniences, foul deeds in the shrubbery, foul chemicals on the shrubbery, collapse, councillors in the wrong places, and a coming cacophony.
In short, it’s not as short as it used to be. This month we provide nearly 3,500 words of high-energy news nuggets to keep you and your current-affairs-hungry garden birds satisfied until November. If it moves, squeaks, rattles, roars or threatens to fart in Spurtleshire, we’ve got it covered.
Pick up your free, printed black-and-white copy in any of the usual bars, cafés, shops, services, railing-mounted libraries, and public libraries between Stockbridge and Pilrig, York Place and Canonmills. Alternatively, download a free colour pdf from our website HERE from midnight tomorrow.
Remember! If you have news, we’re eager to hear it. Please contact us at spurtle@hotmail.co.uk