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Police Scotland issued a press release yesterday which we reproduce below unedited and in full.


Police Scotland have released images of a man they believe may be able to assist them with their enquiries into an assault which occurred on Greenside Place in Edinburgh at around 10pm on Sunday 27 November 2022. [IMAGES REMOVED FROM ARTICLE HERE ON 30 JUNE.]

The man is described as white, approximately 30–40 years old, clean shaven, short brown hair and of a medium build. He was wearing a dark jacket, white shirt and a dark jumper. 

Constable Justin Lipinski said: 'We are eager to talk to the male in these images and would ask him or anyone who may recognise him to get in touch as soon as possible.'

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 3603 of 27 November 2022, or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be passed anonymously.


Police Scotland issued the following update this morning (30 June 2023).

A 40-year-old man has been arrested and charged in connection with an assault in the Greenside Place area of Edinburgh, which took place on Sunday, 27 November, 2022.

He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal and is expected to appear at court at a later date.

Constable Justin Lipinski said: “We’d like to thank the public for their assistance with our enquiries.


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