It may be the work of one individual or the labour of many. We may be witnessing the incompetence of a rank amateur or the crowning achievement of a hapless professional.
Whoever is responsible, the carriageways and now pavements of Broughton bear witness to just how difficult it is to undertake decorating without leaving a trace.
Our latest example ends on Broughton Place, where a person or persons unknown loaded their pots and brushes into a vehicle and drove off dripping into the distance.

We cannot know their destination, but we can trace their emulsive footsteps back to the junction beside the Olive Branch.

Then round the corner to the front door at No. 95.

We can only imagine the consternation within, where one householder – perhaps completely unconnected to the Broughton Street boorach – is trying to sell a 3-bedroom flat ‘designed by an interior designer and completely renovated throughout with high quality finishes and in move-in condition’.
If any local has further details, we’d love to know more.