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A press release arrived in our inbox yesterday asking us to ‘spread the joyous news’ that today (Friday) is National Fish and Chip Day.

This not-for-profit celebration raises awareness of the country’s ‘favourite dish’ and raises money for the charitable Fishermen’s Mission.

Today’s not-for-profit events are championed by The National Edible Oil Distributors Association (NEODA), a trade body which represents all the UK’s major refiners, key packers and distributors of edible oils as well as suppliers of non-oil products (such as batter mix, sausages, packaging, range manufacturers and potato preservatives).

Spurtleshire’s four most popular purveyors were the subject of yesterday’s online puzzle, which rivalled the UK’s Eurovision Song Contest score by attracting absolutely no responses on Twitter and no correct answers.

Working clockwise, the picture clues represented: L’Alba D’Oro (Golden Dawn – also the name of a secret mystical society whose symbol this was); Café Piccante (piccante translates as spicy), Deep Sea Fish & Chips (Mariana Trench), and The Chippy (Karen Carpenter).

Based on their locations: Henderson Row + Broughton Street + Antigua Street + Broughton Street = Fish and Chips + Salt and Sauce.

You’re welcome. Bon appetit!


[Image top-right: Wikimedia Commons.]

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