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Keasim Events Ltd wants planning permission for another pop-up Festival Village on the roof of Waverley Market this summer (23/02154/FUL). It would operate from June until 30 Sept, with an additional 6-week period for clearance and removal.

Keasmim promises local economic benefits, improved appearance, fittings and access to the site, and less people spill-over onto Princes St near to the bus stop.

The ‘family-friendly venue’ would comprise 8 café/bars, toilets, 1 music stage for solo performers, and 4 food outlets (one ‘serving primarily cheese toasties, made out of a converted horse trailer’). Mmm, that great taste of the country.

Keasim is confident it can manage noise to an acceptable level, despite officials’ doubts to the contrary in a related case here in March. A determination is expected by 21 July.

[Image Wikipedia Commons.]

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