As you read this, advance copies of the latest issue are already spreading across the barony like traffic cones borne on an East Wind. Only less orange, more soft, and unlikely to be repositioned by motorists.
Page 1 looks at the shape of things to come – too massive according to some, too puddinglike according to others – and at the scourge of plastic and beardy types washing up on our beaches.
On Page 2 we move swiftly to consider the joys of a three-cornered splat, the long-term constraint of short-term lets, what it will take to extend a welcome, and how to make the most of your knobbles.
If it’s climate change, desecration, bird nests, carpets, and award-winning local businesses you’re interested in, Page 3 could not be a snugger fit.
Page 4 will suit those of an archaeological bent keen on libraries, concluding in a 5-point brain-teaser with subtle appeal.
Like a glow worm in a cupboard full of spiders, we provoke, illuminate, and try not to get eaten alive. If you want to know about all things scuttling between Pilrig and Howe Streets, Queen Street and Canonmills, look no further.
The new issue is available in shops, businesses and libraries across Broughton and beyond, with a colourful pdf downloadable HERE from midnight tonight.