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Barking parking


Dear Spurtle,

I’m writing to report a mysterious occurrence on Brandon Terrace.

I'm a long-time resident of this locale and, for the last 20 years or so, have had a resident’s parking permit for Zone 6.

When the lockdown liberalisation of parking controls came to an end, Brandon Terrace’s mix of parking-permit and pay-and-display spaces were unified into combined places where anyone could park as long as they had either a permit or a ticket. They even changed the signs to reflect this change, and the space on the opposite side to the shops and tenements, between the bus stop and the traffic lights, had ta new sign put up in June 2021 (see below).

park 1

Having happily parked there ever since, I was surprised to find a parking ticket on the car last week. Further investigation showed that, in a mysterious turn of events, the sign has transformed itself and now states that it is in Zone 5a (see below).  


Having appealed the ticket, I’m waiting to hear back, but I’m mystified how it can be possible for the Council to have made this change apparently without any notice.

Does this mean that the parking space has been in a strange state of seeming to be one thing while actually being another and its identity crisis has now been resolved?

Is it facing an existential crisis, unable to know definitively which zone it belongs in, or is it perhaps a liminal parking space?

Most importantly, from a practical point of view, which sign is right?  

Nicholas Bone

Brandon Terrace



High time for a spurt


Dear Spurtle, 

The improvements to the streetscape in Elm Row have been going on for the best part of two years, which is an inordinate amount of time to complete a small 'legacy improvement project' as a result of the Tram extension works. Access to Montgomery Street from Leith Walk has been closed for a similar period of time.

The businesses trading in Elm Row have endured this disgusting, dirty, eyesore for far too long. Elm Row businesses have also faced difficult economic conditions throughout this two-year period (initially with the Covid 19 pandemic) and are, no doubt, continuing to suffer a drop in takings with the cost-of-living crisis not to mention the streetscape improvement works.

Whenever one passes Elm Row, one can see that there is no evidence of work taking place for eight hours every day; day in, day out. It is high time the City Council ensured that the eyesore which has existed at Elm Row for far too long is brought to a conclusion.

The City Council should also pay more attention to its economic development remit and never allow a sloppy situation like this to recur anywhere in the City; especially where businesses, not the Council, pay the price. 

I am not sure that a Spurtle will do the trick - a rocket might expedite matters. One way or another, the project team and the City Council need to get a spurt on. 

Shane Carter

East Claremont Street


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the October Spurtle are already settling on local shelves like autumn leaves in great crunching heaps of red, gold, and amber. Minus the slugs and doggie surprises.

This month we begin with flatfoots and a firm grip, what to do with a surplus, and the joys of social-media schadenfreude.


Submitted by Editor on

This temporary barrier is now semi-permanent at the St James Quarter's Little King St entrance/exit. It's to stop pedestrians accidentally walking into traffic.

And yet there's not a sleeping policeman in view, and no obvious speed warnings for drivers.

It all seems a bit one-sided given that the overwhelming majority passing through this area do so on foot.