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Dear Spurtle, 

In times when we are increasingly expect to know where our sausages come from and who writes the books we read, I’m surprised that this trend has not caught up with the High Street, in particular with shops and eateries. 

Take Broughton Street. Yes, we know Crombie’s is a family butchers and L’Escargot Bleu proudly proclaims Fred Berkmilller on its website. But who owns the Cask and Barrel,  the newly refurbished Broughton and the dear old Barony to name but three?

So come on. Proprietors, tell us who you are or linger under suspicion that you are a front for money laundering or owned by a gangland boss.

Hugh Lockhart

(London Street)

Editor: Honi soit qui mal y pense.

LCCC addresses sorry saga

Dear Spurtle,

In your February issue (Briefly, p. 2), your in-house 'awkward squad' rightly points out that this site is not in Leith, but then – wrongly – claims that it is within 'Leith CC's sphere'. 

I am anxious that this is not misconstrued or misunderstood: while Leith Central CC (who is Leith CC?) is well aware of which side of the defunct railway line is in our sphere, the overall scale of the proposed series of developments at the former Powderhall waste transfer station and bowling greens – three phases have been mentioned – will impact on both current and future NTBCC and LCCC residents. 

Yes, we may favour more social housing on the site than NTBCC; but we do so conscious of the fact that the 25% affordable housing requirement associated with the 'Luxury Apartments for Rent' at the old Broughton High School opposite (13/02458/FUL) has not materialised in the vicinity, as intended by the relevant legislation and detailed in the planning permission (see here for some of the sorry saga).

The Powderhall site could provide an opportunity to make up for that lost affordable housing – though not for the seven lost years.

Harald Tobermann,
Vice Chair,
Leith Central Community Council