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A local resident has been left alarmed and exasperated by damage to his building which he suspects has been caused by tramwork-related vibration.

Alex Poole lives in a second-floor flat on Haddington Place. In March this year he noticed a new crack on a recently painted interior wall at the front of his home. He raised the issue with Trams to Newhaven (TtN), but as the crack didn’t get any worse he thought little of it.


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Police Scotland issued the following press release this morning. We reproduce it below unedited and in full.

Officers in Edinburgh have released an image of a man they believe may be able to assist with their enquiries following a serious assault which took place in the Forth Street area around 9.50pm on Monday 7 June 2021.  As a result of the incident a man required hospital treatment.

Sharing is caring

Dear Spurtle,

I'm a little late to the party ('Private cars – a problem shared'), but this is an important subject and deserves thought and debate.

My starting point is that private cars solve a number of problems for the individual car user – even in a densely populated city – while impacting negatively on all citizens. The trick is to ensure that there are as many good, economically viable and well-integrated alternatives to private car use as possible, while disincentivising the negative effects. Shared cars can be part of a portfolio of such measures.

Are fewer cars and more journeys better than the same number of total journeys made with more cars? Most definitely, yes. A larger number of parked cars for longer periods – in the case of Spurtleshire mostly on public streets – reduces space for other beneficial activities and uses; to name a few: wider pavements, more efficient public transport and city logistics, more attractive, greener cityscapes. Which in turn may encourage more walking (and cycling). In other words: a virtuous cycle.

Harald Tobermann

Pilrig Street