Saturday, 07 May 2016
Dear SpurtleUpon reading some big yellow notices today, I was momentarily gratified to learn that Edinburgh Council's Roads Department was …
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Dear Spurtle Walking past St Stephen’s Church this afternoon I was delighted to hear the sound of the clock striking three. True, the…
Friday, 15 April 2016
Dear SpurtleDavid Sterratt’s article ‘Piecing together what's gone wrong’ (12.4.16) was well written, well researched.It seems to me we need a…
Friday, 25 March 2016
Dear SpurtleFollowing the recent closure of Scotland's last coal-fired power…
Wednesday, 09 March 2016
Dear Spurtle Following your article on CEC spending in excess of £40,000 on the KEYFRAMES lights in St Andrew Square [Issue 249, p.1], for me it…
Wednesday, 02 March 2016
Dear Spurtle Readers must be weary of the constant recycling of stories about, er, recycling, but it seems to be an issue that just won't go…
Wednesday, 02 March 2016
Dear Spurtle I recently attended the third consultation on the proposals to redevelop the site at the foot of Dundas Street, shortly to be…
Tuesday, 01 March 2016
Dear Spurtle Merci mille fois, City of Edinburgh Council, inter alia, for the latest 'creation' in Essential Edinburgh's theme-park takeover of…
Thursday, 11 February 2016
To: Bins and Recycling Department Complaints, Edinburgh City Council Dear Sir or Madam Re: Complaint Number: 300868 Further to…
Monday, 01 February 2016
Dear SpurtleI would like to correct or clarify a comment in your article on the…
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Dear SpurtleI have to respond to the letter written by S. May of Warriston Road re the rebuilding of the Botanic Cottage in the RBGE ('Hellish old…
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Dear Spurtle We live in close proximity to Old Broughton. There are three recycling bins for paper, cardboard and packaging material. …
Friday, 08 January 2016
Dear SpurtleFor the last fortnight anyone living in London Street will be aware of…
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Dear Cllr Lewis,I'm writing to you in your capacity as Edinburgh's 'events champion' about the proposed closure of Calton Hill on Hogmanay (http://…
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Dear SpurtleThe announcement of the closure of Calton Hill is rather strange.The…
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Dear Spurtle Am I alone in thinking the large stone carbuncle lauded and applauded as the latest addition to The Botanics is hellish? ('Botanic…
Friday, 18 December 2015
Dear Spurtle We are sitting here in New York watching the streamed Council debate on the dire proposal to turn the Royal High School into yet…
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Dear Spurtle I write regarding the comments in Issue 247 and online [3.11.15] about the proposed development in the car park on Broughton Street…
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Hello Spurtle The document cited in yesterday’s article (‘How St Andrew Square was meant to be’) shows just how waffly and woolly the much-…
Wednesday, 02 December 2015
Dear All [E-mail to: Cllr Lesley Hinds, waste@edinburgh.gov.uk, Cllr Angela…